Thursday, July 31, 2014

aardvark poetry

I've been at summer writing camp these past two weeks. One day, my poetry class was trying to write a rondelet, which is a french form poem. One guy came up with our first line: the aardvarks say. And here is the poem we wrote.

The aardvarks say
Your love is smallpox for the tribes.
The aardvarks say
Send the spaniards out to the quay
Carrying whips and sneering knives
To kill the men and steal their brides 
The aardvarks say.

From here, we went a little crazy with the aardvark themes, and now there's this running aardvark joke in my class. I am really going to miss this camp.

Here's a poem another group in my class wrote. It had to be written to a certain meter pattern:

The rain, it falls upon aardvarks
so deep with dark of night. I watch
them run in fear through the trees. Aardvarks
in the streets, in the schools, in the city, in the wild. Everywhere.

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