Wednesday, November 21, 2012

3 - excursions in digital art


I've been dying to experiment with digital art lately, so I randomly downloaded Sketchbook Express from the Mac app store and then this happened. I somehow did it with the macbook's trackpad. I'm hoping for a drawing tablet for Christmas. :3

How are you, blog? Long time, no see.

It's Nanowrimo season! Woot. I'm powering through. Planning on finishing this year. My story's about a zombie apocalypse. Those journal things - Aster's journals - they're written by the main character. She's quite interesting. Keeps surprising me with her random coolness. Just yesterday she socked my male main character in the jaw without my consent, but I'm okay with that. She's just asserting her independence. ^.^ 

I should write a story about this mysterious turquoise-haired girl who just manifested herself as my first-ever piece of digital art. She reminds me of a My Little Pony. I have no idea why. 

Her name is now Starlynn.

Yes, good. :3

I want to do more art. 

*looks at blank sketchbook nearby*


So tomorrow's Thanksgiving! Let's do the elementary thing and make a list of what we're thankful for.

Or just me. 'Cause I'm only one person. Who does not have schizophrenia. 


- Art.
- Music.
- Air.
- Hope.

Look at me being all vague and hipster.

- Fluffy blankets.
- The smell of baking cheesecake.
- Mechanical pencils.
- The ocean.
- Sparkly unicorn stickers.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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