Friday, September 7, 2012

3: Curse Your Sudden but Inevitable Betrayal

Lestrade was sitting at his desk - or, at least, sitting behind his desk with his feet perched on its edge - when Sergeant Donovan burst in. "Not my division!" He promptly said, mouth full of donut or danish or some other delicious but unidentifiable pastry. 

Yeah, don't worry. I'm not going to attempt to write a Lestrade fanfiction or something. If I write any Sherlock fanfiction, it will be centered around the best ship ever - Sherlock and his skull. Shkull.
Actually, my OTP is Eowyn and Faramir, but that's not the point.
Okay, so hi there. What are you doing on my blog? Are you a human? It's okay if you're not. I know I'm not. Gallifreyans FTW. You can call me Stardust Specter. That's obviously not my real name, but I prefer to go incognito. *twirls mustache* I'm a huge geek. I love music and British things and old books and the smell of the sea. I'm a Christian, but not a jerky one. I am part of many fandoms, but I actually don't have very many ships. I'm in my fifth year at Hogwarts, and I'm a proud Ravenclaw. I have shoulder-length blonde hair and green eyes. I love creme brûlée and Scottish accents (David Tennant! <3) and oh my gosh I'm really failing at this whole introducing myself - thing, aren't I?

Stuff that's happening: 
- I'm taking a huge AP Bio test today.
- It's Friday, so when I get home I'm going to watch Firefly with reckless abandon. 
- I'm also going to pick up that sketchbook that I haven't touched since last week and I'm going to draw Malcolm Reynolds and Amy Pond and the ballerina dalek (which is my soul animal). 
- Tomorrow is the premiere of the second episode of Doctor Who season 7. It's called dinosaurs on a spaceship. I think we can all deduce from the title that it's going to be awesome. 
- The first episode of DW s7 (Asylum of the Daleks) gave me major feels. And it also made me really mad at Steven Moffat, for numerous reasons.
- There are so many books I want to read. I'm in the middle of The Hobbit right now. I can't wait for the movie!
- I'm running out of thing to say that won't bore you. This has all probably already bored you, though. Might as well use the extent  my inherent geeky abilities. Gandalf! Darth Vader! Pi= 3.14159265358979323. . . 

Welp, I have nothing more to say. Avoid roasted cabbage, don't eat earwax, and look on the bright side of life!

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