Friday, October 5, 2012

12: You will never meet anyone who is more obsessed with proper grammar than I am

   Who mentally corrects the misplaced comma on that sign in Barnes & Noble every time she walks past it? Me.
   Who winces internally at badly-constructed sentences on a college brochure? Me.
   Who gets two pages into a friend's book draft, twitches because of the terrible grammar, grabs a pen, and singlehandedly corrects the entire book? This girl right here. 
    I am such a Grammar Nazi. All of my texts and e-mails and Facebook posts have perfect grammar and syntax. There is nothing that irks me more than when people who have a proper education - such as people in my grade or people who work at Barnes & Noble or the friend who published a book - don't use proper grammar. There is nothing that will drive me more insane. If you want to torture me, place me in a room with a work of fiction that is riddled with grammar errors, and I swear that I will go crazy. I don't know why bad grammar is my biggest pet peeve, but at least it helps in making me a better writer.
   I correct my mom's essays that she writes for her Human Resources course and even her texts and e-mails. My brother asks me to proofread his essays for him. We'll be driving along in the car and I'll point out something and go, "GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT!"  
   Now let's hope that I actually have used proper grammar for all of my other blog posts. If I haven't, then I apologize. You can just leave now because that means that I'm hypocritical and that this entire post has been rendered pointless. 

1 comment:

  1. WE ARE GRAMMAR NAZI SOUL SISTERS. I have literally corrected my Honors English teacher's grammar. Also, I had to teach the class indirect objects because my teacher didn't. Should I be in an AP English class, preferably a twelfth grade or higher one? Yes.

    It's only going to help my future career as an author!
