Wednesday, May 1, 2013

5 - and so begins the beginning of the end

   I will rejoice when this school year is over. Rejoice, I tell you. In fact, not even then - when I come out on the other side of the AP Bio exam, that is when I will rejoice. After that, I'm pretty much home free. Taking all the other exams after that monster will be a breeze.
   Today is May the first. 23 more days until this is all over and I can do other things. I'm going to actually use my drawing tablet and go out with friends and not be on the internet so much. I'm going to read the books of mine that I own but are still waiting to be read - The Amazing Adventures of Kavelier & Clay, Game of Thrones, and the fully unabridged Les Misérables. Hopefully I'll be able to volunteer at the library during the summer. And I'm going to go to camp and see all my fraaands and then I'll get to visit my cousin in Canada and wow how am I supposed to wait 23 more days
   This week, I have lost all motivation. I still haven't gotten started on the massive Bible assignment due tomorrow, and I still have to look over my notecards for a test also taking place tomorrow, and the bottom line is that I shouldn't be making a blog post and I shouldn't be constructing run-on sentences. 
    You know that sucky feeling where there's something you want to attend but it's completely impossible for you to be there so you just sit and frown as the date of the event swooshes by? Well, that's happening on Friday when mister Aaron Tveit - broadway actor and professional life ruiner - is having this fancy performance thing at a tiny venue place in New York City. He's having four other performances throughout the month, and I don't know why I'm even thinking about it because the possibility of my existence colliding with the existence of those four shows is completely impossible in any universe ever, because I'm here studying for exams and crawling through the passing days and I live here and New York is, like, wayyy over there and how the heck would I even get there and no one would even allow me to go and I mean I'm not even a legal adult. But everyone else is over there at Aaron Tveit's show or whatever. And it all kind of really sucks. 
   There's this other actor called George Blagden. He did a wonderful job portraying Grantaire in Les Mis (I'm sorry that this is the post of Showbiz Actor Fangirling). George Blagden is the kind of person who is so remarkably talented and handsome and such a nice person in general that it doesn't make any sense and probably is not legal on any planet. But here's a song of his that's really awesome and that will probably cheer you up if you're having a bad day. It's called Mr. Bojangles. JUST LISTEN TO THE GRUMBLY VOICE HE USES NEAR THE MIDDLE DOESN'T IT MAKE YOU WANT TO DIE FROM FEELINGS?! 

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