Friday, December 7, 2012


So I found these interesting pictures of Eddie Redmayne and am now giving them bad captions.

I just realized I left the text box around the strike a pose part in the last one. Oops.

Here's a fun fact: the people designing the costumes for Les Mis actually based the fabric used for Marius' trousers off the color of Eddie Redmayne's eyes. So that's that. I bet Marius Pontmercy wears trousers matched to his eye color every day. So that's cool. Woot.

    Here's an official clip from "A Heart Full of Love". Eddie Redmayne is perfect. That part with the "I'm doing everything all wrong!" is flawless. Amanda Seyfried is alright. She uses a little too much vibrato, I think, and that makes her sound like a goat on helium, but it sort of conveys the innocence in her voice. It's not like I'm a singing coach or anything. xD 

    I recently watched the Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert, and it was amazing. Even Nick Jonas was amazing. Everyone thinks he's awful as Marius, but I think it's just because all the other singers are professional stage performers, and he's a pop star. I don't know why they casted him, but the fact that his voice was less operatic than everyone else's makes him stand out.

   I just really want the Les Mis film, like, now. 

   This means that I am halfway through this quarter's blog posts! I've been doing those normal ranty posts recently instead of actual writing. Not to mention the blog is due on the 14th. Looks like I'll have to finish all those stories that I wrote halfway and left. Like "The Girl Who Waited" and "Half" and "The New Vroengard Chronicles" and all those journal entries for Aster. I think that I'll start making the segments of "Half" long enough so that they actually make sense. 

So now I leave you with a quote that Eponine gives Marius in the unabridged Les Mis: "It is very becoming to you to have your hair tumbled thus."

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